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Melk (Austria : campo di concentramento) CercaDefinizione
Melk was a subcamp of Mauthausen established as early as January 11, 1944. In early 1945 a number of prisoners were transferred to Melk from camps in Poland. Melk inmates included Jews, Russians, Yugoslavs, Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, French, and Italians. Camp inmates worked in munitions plants and construction. In addition to Quarz GmbH, which used over 8,000 forced laborers in April 1945, there were fourteen other firms and businesses which utilized forced laborers. The Melk camp commandants were Untersturmbannführer Anton Streitwieser and Obersturmbannführer Julius Ludolf. The Melk camp was evacuated in April 1945. Most of the Melk camp's population was transferred to Mauthausen and Ebensee. At least 5,000 inmates died in Melk throughout its existence as a camp. (en-US)
Le Chêne, Evelyn. Mauthausen: The History of the Death Camp. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1971. p. 149, 234, 243-246