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Mauthausen (Austria : campo di concentramento) CercaDefinizione
Mauthausen was a concentration camp for women and men in the province of Upper Austria. The camp was located in the vicinity of the villages of Mauthausen and Marbach near the Wiener Graben stone quarry. The camp opened in early August 1938 and was liberated in May 1945 by the United States military. Mauthausen had more than 20 satellite camps. Approximately 200,000 prisoners passed through Mauthausen during its existence as a camp. Mauthausen supplied forced laborers for the districts of Wien, Niederdonau, Oberdonau, Steiermark, Kaernten (Ostmark), and Bavaria. (en-US)
Weinmann, Martin, ed. Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem. Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins 1990. pp. 26, 375-377