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Controversia sull'Occupazione di Trieste (maggio - giugno 1945) CercaDefinizione
In 1920, the Treaty of Rapollo had ceded the Adriatic port city of Trieste to Italy but Yugoslavia made claims on the city because of its predominantly Slovenian population. On May 1, 1945, German-occupied Trieste was liberated by the Yugoslav Fourth Army, local Venezia Giulia CLN partisan units, and the New Zealand Second Division, reinforced by the British Eighth Army and the US Second Corps. The Yugoslavian army had arrived first and occupied the city for over a month, establishing a Liberation Front administration and demanding that Trieste be ceded to Yugoslavia, a period referred to by Italian historians as "the forty days." A clash with the local Italian population followed, resulting in arrests, expulsions, and executions of Italians who had been members of the Fascist party and organizations or who opposed Communism. On June 12, 1945, the US-British force compelled the Yugoslavians to withdraw their annexation claim on Trieste and the city remained under a joint Allied-Yugoslav military administration. The controversy over Trieste was regarded as one of the first conflicts of the developing Cold War. (en-US)
. pp. 83-109