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Strage dell'Hotel Meina (1 Settembre 1943) CercaDefinizione
A week after the German occupation of northern and central Italy on September 8, 1943, SS units invaded the towns around Lake Maggiore near the Swiss border where they rounded up and executed the Jews living there. On September 16, an SS-Leibstandarte unit entered the Hotel Meina where sixteen Jews had taken refuge. The SS held the Jews hostage in the hotel for a week and executed them on September 22. Their bodies were then thrown into Lake Maggiore. In 1969, the former SS men who had participated in the massacre, Hans Krüger, Ludwig Leithe, Hans Röher, Karl Schnelle, and Oskar Schulz, were placed on trial by the West German government in the district court in Osnabrück. However, the trial was suspended and no verdicts were delivered. (en-US)
Justiz und NS Verbrechen. Sammlung deutscher Strafurteile wegen nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen 1945-1999. Amsterdam: University Press Amsterdam, 1998. pp. 74