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Carità, Mario CercaDefinizione
Major Mario Carità was a longtime member of the Italian Fascist Party and Fascist secret police, and leader the Banda Carità which operated in German-occupied Florence, Italy, from September 1943 to 1945. Working in conjunction with the SS, the Carità group arrested and tortured Jews and anti-Fascist partisans. Such was the extent of their cruelty that Carità and the members of his group were more feared than the SS. Two members of the local GAP resistance group, Tosca Buccarelli and Antonio Ignesti attempted to assassinate Carità but they were arrested and Buccarelli was subjected to torture. Carità was killed by Allied soldiers while resisting arrest in the Alto Adige region in May 1945. (en-US)
Wilhelm, Maria de Blasio. The Other Italy: The Italian Resistance in World War II. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1988. pp. 99-101, 218