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Arresto di Mussolini (25 luglio 1943) CercaDefinizione
On July 25, 1943, Benito Mussolini, the prime minister of Italy and head of the Italian Fascist Party, was dismissed from his duties by King Victor Emmanuel III. Marshal Badoglio became prime minister, formed a military government, and arrested Mussolini. The decision to depose Mussolini was the result of a no-confidence vote from the Fascist Grand Council, which had not met since the war began, and was motivated by the Allied landings in Sicily and the worsening conditions for Italy in the war. The Italians reacted to Mussolini's dismissal and the resulting dissolution of the Fascist regime with celebration. (en-US)
Dear, I.C.B., ed. The Oxford Companion to World War II. Oxford and New York : Oxford Univerisity Press, 1995. p. 770