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Papa Pio IX CercaDefinizione
Anchille Ratti (1857-1939) served as Pope Pius XI from 1922 to 1939. Ratti had been the archbishop of Milan and a supporter of Catholic Action against the Popular Party. The Lateran Pacts settling the disputes between the Catholic Church and the Italian state were completed during his term. On March 21, 1937, Pius XI issued a German-language encyclical Mit brennender Sorge (With Burning Concern) in which he denounced Nazi ideology, specifically its anti-Christian approach and its emphasis on racism. In 1938 Pius XI condemned the Fascist racial laws in Italy. He died in February 1939 and was succeeded by Pius XII. (en-US)
Cannistraro, Philip V. ed. Historical Dictionary of Fascist Italy. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 1982. p. 425