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Processo Priebke (Italia)(generico) CercaDefinizione
Three trials of former SS officer Erich Priebke took place in Rome, Italy, in 1996, 1997, and 1998. He was tried by an Italian military tribunal for his role in the massacre of partisans and Jews which occurred in the Ardeatine Caves outside Rome on March 24, 1944. In 1994, American journalist Sam Donaldson interviewed Priebke in Argentina. After the interview appeared on Italian television, Priebke was arrested by the Argentinian police and extradited to Italy in 1995. The first trial began in May 1996. Members of the Association of the Families of the Victims of the Fosse Ardeatine appeared as plaintiffs. Although found guilty and sentenced to jail, Priebke was released by the court, which caused public protest and demonstrations. A second trial of Priebke started in April 1997. Another guilty verdict was issued with Priebke convicted of first-degree murder charges but an appeal trial took place in January 1998. Priebke received a sentence of life imprisonment which was commuted to house arrest. (en-US)
Presse-Infos zum Fall >Priebke< (1) http://www.juedisches-archiv-chfrank.de/ns-crime/priebke-01.htm (October 23, 2002).