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Italia 1922 (28 ottobre) - 1934 (10 marzo) CercaDefinizione
After the March on Rome (October 28, 1922), Mussolini consolidates dictatorial powers by 1926. Italy becomes a totalitarian police state. Fiume falls to Italy in 1924 and the Lateran Treaty of February 11, 1929 recognizes Vatican City as an independent sovereign state. Members of the Communist, Socialist, and liberal movements organize anti-Fascist activities in Italy and in exile. For the first ten years of the Fascist regime, the civil and religious rights of Jews are respected, and some Jews join the Fascist Party. But with Hitler's rise to power in Germany, Mussolini's rhetoric on Jews takes an ambivalent turn. However, there is no change in the legal status of Jews, and Mussolini stays on good terms with Zionists. (en-US)
Zuccotti, Susan. The Italians and the Holocaust: Persecution, Rescue, Survival. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996. p. 22-27