Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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deportazione di Ebrei stranieri (Ungheria 1941) CercaNota d'ambito
Used for discussions of the event of the deportation of "alien" Jews from Hungarian-administered territories.
Additional Information:
In addition, the index terms "deportation from/to [city]", 'citizenship', 'citizenship, loss of', 'Kamenets Podolskii Massacre', etc., may be appropriate. (en-US)
The 1941 deportation of "alien" Jews from Hungary and territories annexed by Hungary (Felvidék, Podkarpatska Rus, Nothern Transylvania).
Based on anti-Jewish legislation of 1939, Hungarian authorities prepared the deportation of "alien" Jews from Hungary by using The National Central Alien Control Office (KEOKH - Külföldieket Ellenõrzõ Országos Központi Hatóság). Those deemed to be "aliens" included large number of refugees, Jews and non-Jews, who had come into Hungary as a result of the German expansion into Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Added to that number were the non-Hungarian Jews of the northeastern areas occupied by the Hungarian military in the years 1938-1940 and those Jews who could not prove their Hungarian citizenship with appropriate papers. In the summer of 1941, the "alien" Jews were forcibly moved to an area of Galicia under Hungarian administration. Most were concentrated in the town of Kõrösmezõ (Jasina) near the Polish border and from there transferred via Kolomea by the SS to temporary housing near Kamenets-Podolsk, Ukraine. The massacre of the deported Jews took place there on August 27-28, 1941. (en-US)
Randolph, Braham. The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary. 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. pp. 204-214, 283