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Esercito Nazionale di Liberazione Jugoslavo CercaDefinizione
Beginning in the fall of 1941, "Tito" Josip Broz led the Communist-based National Liberation Army. A large resistance force in Yugoslavia dedicated to liberating the country from Nazi control, the National Liberation Army had male and female partisans from all walks of life. The fighting force grew to 200,000 to 300,000 partisans. Tito's guerrilla bands killed thousands of German soldiers and sabotaged Nazi plans. They also assisted Jews who tried to escape from the Nazis and Nazi collaborators. In addition, to enlarge their forces, the partisans recruited Jews who they had liberated from concentration camps. As a result, thousands of Jews fought in Tito's partisan units. (en-US)
Kowalski, Isaac, ed. Anthology of Armed Jewish Resistance 1939-1945. 4 Vols. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Jewish Combatants Publishers House, 1985. Vol.1, p. 57, 109, 478, 480, Vol. 2, p. 44-45