Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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Use when interviewees discuss their participation, either as a plaintiff or a defendant, in a judicial proceeding.
Additional information:
If interviewees discuss their participation in a war crimes trial, index the appropriate "war crimes trial" term. If an interviewee discusses his/her experience with judicial proceedings in Germany during the period of National Socialist government, use "German judicial proceedings (1933-1945)." (en-US)
Any step taken in a court of justice in the prosecution or defense of an action. In addition, a judicial proceeding can occur in any venue in which parties are represented and there is a neutral adjudicator. Trials, arbitration, and mediation are examples of judicial proceedings. Trials are the most well known form of judicial proceedings and are a formal examination of the facts of a case by a court of law to decide the validity of a charge or claim. (en-US)