Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
Termine preferito
reazioni psicologiche alle esperienze collegate alla guerra CercaNota d'ambito
Use for discussions of psychological reactions to war-related experiences. Psychological reactions related to war experiences may include, but are not limited to, the onset of fears and phobias resulting from seeking shelter from bombardments or military battles during the war. Do not use to index instances when interviewee becomes visibly emotional (e.g. crying), unless the reaction is also discussed.
Additional information:
If the interviewee discusses psychological reactions to experiences specifically relevant to Holocaust-related persecution, use the "psychological reactions to Holocaust experiences" term. If the interviewee discusses psychological reactions to camp life, living under false identity, hiding, resistance activities, or ghetto experiences, please choose the appropriate index term. (en-US)
Explicit discussions of a psychological reaction caused by, or directly related to, war experiences. A psychological reaction comprises thoughts or feelings and can have physiological manifestations (e.g., vomiting, insomnia, heart palpitations). (en-US)