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Rivoluzione Ungherese (23 ottobre - 4 Novembre 1956)   Cerca


In the years following the death of Soviet premier Josef Stalin, there was a period of greater openness in the Soviet-dominated Warsaw Pact, which included Hungary. In February 1956, the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party proclaimed de-Stalinization as official policy, a development that had far-reaching implications for the ruling Communist elite in Hungary. The hated party leader Matyas Rakosi was persuaded by Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev to resign in July, but his successor, Erno Gero, proved equally repressive. Street demonstrations against Gero ensued in Budapest. A rally of students and workers on 23 October was supported by Hungarian soliders, who aided in the toppling of the massive statue of Stalin in the center of town. The next day, two opponents of Rakosi, Imre Nagy and Janos Kadar, formed a coalition government with Nagy as prime minister. In response to demands for greater democratization, Nagy legalized political parties and announced his wishes to follow Austria as a neutral state. At this point, Kadar withdrew from the coalition, traveled to east Hungary, and returned to Budapest with Soviet tanks. After heavy shelling, the city was overcome on November 4. Nagy was replaced by Kadar, and some 190,000 Hungarians fled into exile. Soviet officials handed Nagy and other prominent figures involved in the "uprising" over to the new Hungarian regime, which executed them in secret. (en-US)


Teed, Peter. A Dictionary of Twentieth Century History: 1914-1990. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. pp. 205, 206

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