Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
Termine preferito
estorsione a danno delle comunità ebraiche CercaNota d'ambito
Use for discussions of governmental agencies of the Axis powers forcing a Jewish community or its representatives to provide specified amounts of money or property to ensure that the community or members of that community remain free from punishment or injury. This includes the payment of ransoms for Jewish hostages.
Additional Notes:
For discussions of the official or unofficial confiscation of Jewish assets, property, valuables, and/or businesses in Europe during the prewar, war, and postwar periods, use "seizure of Jewish property". For discussions of the use of money to influence or induce a person not to carry out an official duty, use "bribery". For discussions of the taking of hostages by governmental authorities, use "hostages, taking of". (en-US)
Obtaining a payment of money or property from a Jewish community or from representatives of that community by threat of force or punishment. (en-US)