Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
Termine preferito
relazioni razziali ed etniche CercaNota d'ambito
Used for discussions of patterns of relationships between people of different ethnic and/or racial origins.
Additional notes:
If the discussion characterizes relations between a group of Jews and another ethnic group, use the index term "Jewish-gentile relations" as well. For discussions of the relations between different groups of Jews, use the index term "inter-Jewish relations" instead.
Ethnicity is associated with other social and cultural phenomena (religion, politics, class relations, etc.) and is thus highly complex and variable. For the purposes of indexing, ethnic groups should be differentiated as much as possible from national groups, although in some contexts the two are difficult to distinguish. (en-US)
Patterns of relationships between people of different ethnic and/or racial origins. (en-US)