Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
Termine preferito
educazione sull'Olocausto CercaNota d'ambito
Use when interviewees discuss the importance of, and/or their involvement with formal or informal Holocaust Education.
Additional information: If interviewees discuss the development (or lack thereof) of their desire to share their wartime experiences, it may be prudent to index 'Holocaust experience, willingness to discuss' or 'Holocaust experience, reluctance to discuss' in addition to or in place of this term. (en-US)
The organized component of an academic curriculum that is designed to inform students, at any given level of study, about events which occurred during the Holocaust. Topics often include the rise of Nazism, as well as events before and during the Nazi attempt to annihilate the Jewish population of Europe. Often associated with these programs are lectures by survivors of the Holocaust, documentary films, discussions of Holocaust literature, and studies of phenomena such as bigotry and intolerance. (en-US)