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USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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prigionieri, Testimoni di Geova   Cerca

Nota d'ambito

Use for discussions of prisoners who were or who were incarcerated because they were Jehovah's Witnesses. (en-US)


Prisoners who were members of a millenarian Christian community whose teachings generally endorse the observance of laws in their country of residence, but firmly reject the observance of laws contrary to their teachings. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses refused to perform military service and perform the Hitler salute. Various German states began outlawing the Jehovah's Witnesses starting in spring 1933; they became illegal throughout the Third Reich on April 27, 1935. The first wave of arrests began 1936-37. (en-US)


Garbe, Detlef. Zwischen Widerstand und Martyrium: Die Zeugen Jehovas im "Dritten Reich." Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1993. pp. 86-88, 92, 94-98, 102, 127, 132f, 137, 328.

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