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Polonia 1980 (14 agosto) - 1985 (5 novembre) CercaDefinizione
From August 14-31, 1980, a series of strikes hit Poland. Lech Walesa organizes a trade union "Solidarity." Solidarity is officially recognized on October 24, 1980. On February 9, 1981, Pinkowski is replaced by General Wojciech Jaruzelski. On October 18, 1981, Stanislaw Kania is replaced by Jaruzelski as head of the Communist party. Martial law is declared on December 13, 1981. On October 8, 1982, all trade unions are dissolved. Martial law is suspended on December 30, 1982. The emergency ends on July 21, 1983. (en-US)
Held, Joseph, ed. The Columbia History of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. pp. xlviii-xlix, l-li