Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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Ungheria 1938 (5 marzo) - 1939 (31 agosto) CercaDefinizione
On March 5, 1938, Darányi announces anti-Jewish measures. The first anti-Jewish law (May 1938) is introduced, limiting Jewish participation in Hungarian economic and public life. Hungary annexes southern Slovakia (Felvidek) on November 2, 1938. Among Jews, conversions to Christianity increase, but involvement and interest in Judaism also rise. Many Jews emigrate. Hungary occupies Carpathian Ruthenia (Czechoslovakia) on March 15-16, 1939. The second anti-Jewish law is adopted in May 1939. (en-US)
Halász, Zoltán. A Short History of Hungary. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1975. p. 215