Percorso: USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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battaglioni di lavori forzati, ungheresi CercaNota d'ambito
Used for discussions of experiences in Hungarian forced labor battalions.
Additional information:
If the mentioned battalion was housed in a camp, index the camp as well. (en-US)
Forced labor units set up by the Hungarian government in 1939 as an alternative form of military service for recruits deemed "unreliable." Hungarian Jews, communists, and Jehovah's Witnesses, among others, were conscripted into labor battalions and forced to provide labor support for military maneuvers, agriculture, essential industries, and other wartime operations. The labor service companies remained under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. In 1943, a new central command within the Ministry was established - the Labor Organization for National Defense (Honvedelmi Munkaszervezet) - to centralize the labor service system and assure a more effective and economical operation. By 1944, labor servicemen were often placed under the immediate control of various enterprises and with a growing shortage of laborers, the government included women in their recruitment. (en-US)
Randolph, Braham. The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary. 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. Vol. 1, pp. 295-380